DLCraft, the DL standing for Dead Life or basically you’re going to die…a lot. I selected many addons to fit the RPG play-style i wanted in Minecraft.

As name suggests…

This addonpack makes the game way harder, but also adds some QoL features to make it more balanced at the same time.

◆ Early Game:

Life was easier when we used to get wood directly. Yeah, I said “used to be,” since this addon will change the way you get wood. You will get Unlit Torches because Lit Torches are now not craftable and must be manually lit with a Match Box.
◆ Hard-core Mechanics & Healing Items:

A powerful change in healing mechanics. Eating food will no longer restore your health. But don’t worry about it! Introducing items like Salves, Plasters, and Bandages that will regenerate your health. To use these items, make sure to right-click or hold your screen.
◆ Night Siege Event, Dungeon & Ruin Structures:
An event that will make Hostile Mobs spawn more often than usual. Add more structures to your game, bringing much more life to the world.
- Various types of Tower Dungeons protected by Tower Golems.
- Massive Dungeons spawning with hostile mob spawners.
◆ Haunted Armor, The Forgotten Legends & Spry Conquest:
Adds medieval & fantasy bosses, mini-bosses & creatures with various types of attacks that can be found in thier unique structures.
◆ Weaponry & Enchantments:

A LOTS of new weapons & enchantments to enhance your combat experience.

Addons that ain’t included in this addonpack, but does completes the experience of playing this addonpack

Guide Book for people who have skill issue…
Here is Link (Keep in mind that wiki is still under development)
This addonpack has 42 Addons! [39 Addons 2 Textures 1 Code Lib]
Presence Footsteps by ZhyuRoFee
3D Dripstone by Needyllama
Sweep ‘N Slash by Seawhite
Vissom’s Backpack by vissom
Oberon Boss by AzozGamer936
Haunted Armor by Willian Sixteen
The Forgotten Legends by Smaug049
Spry Conquest by GrimmWasTaken
Ruins by HungKaioZ
Abandoned & Ruin Structures by NicoTheKid
Nico’s More Mineshaft by NicoTheKid
Simple Waystone by Amon28
Happy’s Magic Mirrors by HappyCannon
Reforge by yuxialingfeng
Lost Items by ZhyuRoFee
CHAn’s by ZhyuRoFee
Creeping Crypts by ElektrikaDev
Cloud Trapdoors by LordCloud
Tartarean Mobs by ZhyuRoFee
Arduous by ZhyuRoFee
True Start by ZhyuRoFee
Knowledge Experience by ZhyuRoFee
Better Weaponry by ZhyuRoFee
Terraria Trinkets BE by ZhyuRoFee
Dungeon Tower by ZhyuRoFee
Tumble Weed by ZhyuRoFee
Trumpet Skeleton by ZhyuRoFee
Lode Eye by ZhyuRoFee
Village Bounty by ZhyuRoFee
Mounte Whistle by ZhyuRoFee
Experience Tome by ZhyuRoFee
Night Siege by ZhyuRoFee
Ender-er by ZhyuRoFee
Eye O’ World by ZhyuRoFee
Food Expansion BE, Continued by ZhyuRoFee
Azure Culture by ZhyuRoFee
Advance Fishing BE by ZhyuRoFee
Charm BE by ZhyuRoFee
Inspirations BE by ZhyuRoFee
CCAwCP by ZhyuRoFee
Bunch O’ Nature by ZhyuRoFee
Permission proofs from the creators of addons included in this addonpack…

Permission for Nico’s More Mineshaft and Abandoned & Ruins addons

Permission for 3D Dripstone texture pack

Permission for Infested Parasites and Haunted Armor addons

Permission for Oberon Boss addon

Permission for The Forgotten Legends addon

Permission for Ruins addon

Permission for Creeping Crypt addon

Permission for Spry conquest addon

Permission from ZhyuroFee to use his addons

Permission for Vissom’s backpack addon

Permission for Happy’s Magic Mirrors addon

Permission for Simple Waystone addon
Sweep N’ Slash & Reforge addons are under MIT licence hence i have permission to use it
Logo was made by @Kosmos, say thanks to kosmos in comments
Addonpack uses Player.json file so Addonpack will be not compatible with other addons that uses Player.json file
Required Experiments Features:

◆ Working on 1.21.50
> Discord Server <
For Addonpack Developement, Suggestion and Bug Report
- Tartarean Mobs addon
- Cloud’s Trapdoor addon
- Creeping Crypt addon
- Fixed bug where teleporting using Magic Mirrors & Waystone cause backpack to disappear
- Fixed Worm Farm eating any other item than fishes
- Fixed Script Api related codes (which was throwing unknown error when any entity was spawing)