
Minecraft, But Items Explode When You Look At Them

So you thought beating Minecraft on Bedrock Edition was too easy? Now here’s a challenge for you! Try to beat the game, but with items exploding when you look at them! Keep those eyes peeled.

Important Notes!

If you wish to use this add-on for any of your own content (videos, etc.), PLEASE credit me, JuliusScizzor, by:

It would really help me out in making these fun add-ons for everyone, for free! I appreciate the support 😀

Please also note that this add-on changes the following item names to English

  • Blaze Rod, Ender Pearl, Gold Ingot, Block of Gold, Eye of Ender

You also need to make sure “Holiday Creator Features” Experimental Toggle is turned on, otherwise this add-on will not work. The other toggles are not necessary for this add-on.


How it Works

It’s simple! If you look at an item, it EXPLODES! Just like how endermen get angry when you look at their faces.
Here’s an example:

A nice little desert village farm, with a sand item on it.


When you look at the sand: (how beautiful)


There are 4 different settings you can have in the Behaviour Pack:

  • Classic: Blaze Rods & Ender Pearls Do Not Explode
  • Assisted 1: Classic + Gold Ingots/Blocks Do Not Explode
  • Assisted 2: Assisted 1 + Eyes of Ender Do Not Explode
  • NightmareAll Items Explode

You can access these settings by pressing the cog icon when adding the behaviour pack into your world


I have tried out this challenge myself on Easy Difficulty, with Blaze Rods, Ender Pearls and Gold Ingots not exploding. How will you challenge yourself?


Part 1:

Part 2:

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You need to make sure “Holiday Creator Features” Experimental Toggle is turned on, otherwise this add-on will not work. The other toggles are not necessary for this add-on.


If you wish to use this add-on for any of your own content (videos, etc.), PLEASE credit me, JuliusScizzor, by:

It would really help me out in making these fun add-ons for everyone, for free! I appreciate the support 😀


This inventive and chaotic addon was created by JuliusScizzor, whose creativity has brought a new level of challenge and fun to Minecraft PE. Be sure to check out more of their work for additional exciting content.


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