
SCP Collaboration

Introduction to SCP: Operation Praetereo Addon for Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE (Pocket Edition) is a game that allows players to explore endless possibilities, and one way to enhance this experience is by using addons that introduce new content and features. The SCP: Operation Praetereo Addon is an exceptional addon for Minecraft PE, designed to bring the eerie and mysterious world of the SCP Foundation into your game. This addon is perfect for fans of the SCP universe, as it introduces various SCP entities, anomalies, and features that add a layer of horror and intrigue to the game.

The SCP: Operation Praetereo Addon is meticulously crafted to create an immersive experience that aligns with the lore and atmosphere of the SCP Foundation. Whether you’re looking to face off against terrifying SCPs, explore secret containment facilities, or simply add a touch of horror to your Minecraft world, this addon delivers an experience that is both thrilling and engaging. In this guide, we’ll explore the key features of the SCP: Operation Praetereo Addon, provide a detailed installation guide, discuss what to expect during gameplay, and offer tips to help you survive the dangerous world of the SCP Foundation.

This add-on adds many SCP related aspects to your Minecraft world.

– SCPs/Entities- Structures/Biomes – Weapons – Armour/Morphs- Bosses 

Please read through this page to know how they work. 



– This add-on is based on the SCP Foundation and copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0) license 

– If you are using this add-on for ANY of your content, you MUST credit me by linking to my YouTube channel, or by linking to this page, your content must be also under CC-BY-SA 3.0

– You are not allowed to edit the code, if you want to learn from it, sure, but note that copying and pasting isnt learning.

– You are not allowed to share the direct link (mediafire link), only share this page.


– Since this is at the top of the page, ignorance of these instructions does not excuse breaking them.




– Big Thx to Bendy the Demon18Dany FoxDyDyOOFMechaManiacAngious2004LuciousKneez & DGCrafter. They have helped with numerous textures, models and sounds in this add-on.
– Thx to justAsh from PixelPoly for teaching me how to make 3D items.
– Some sound effects from BATIM
– Some music taken from MakaiSymphony
– Scarlet King Boss Music from Aliaksei Yukhnevich (Deliverance End of the Abyss)
– SCP Raid muic from Vitalii Suzdin – Beyond the Mind
– SCP-096-JS sounds from SCP: SL
– Some assets were taken/adapted from the SCP-Containment Breach Game
– Credits to MACHINE_BUILDER for feature rule generator.

SCP Credits

(I tried my best to find the original authors/uploaders/writers of each SCP article)


SCP-001: Gate Guardian By: Dr Clef


SCP-035 & SCP-076 By: Kain Pathos Crow

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SCP-049 By: Gabriel Jade


SCP-066 By: Scantron

SCP-079 By: Joonas Rikkonen


SCP-096 By: Dr Dan

SCP-106, SCP-409, SCP-682, SCP-280 & SCP-914 By: Dr Gears

hSCP-113 By: Lt Masipag

SCP-173 By: Moto42 

SCP-294, SCP-280 By: far2

SCP-303 By: AJAlkaline

SCP-427 By: Dr Ouros

SCP-457 By: agatharights

SCP-553 By: Patku

SCP-610 By: NekoChris

SCP-650 By: Dr Talson / Ekzentric Lohner

=SCP-714 By: Arcalane


SCP-939 By: Adam Smascher


SCP-966 By: Enma Ai

SCP-1025 By: Lasergoose 
SCP-1074 By: Smapti
SCP-1499 By: Trasknari
SCP-1507 By: Roget
SCP-2950 By: weizhong

SCP-3000 By: djkaktus
SCP-3057 By: The Great Hippo
SCP-4335 By: Westrin
SCP-871 by Seibai


– You can see a document with all the recipes here




Some SCPs can spawn naturally around your world. Some can be found in facilities. You can also get SCP spawn eggs from mining SCP Essence Ore to get SCP Essence, which you can trade for SCP Spawn Eggs using the Serpent’s Hand Anomalous Generator (SHAG)

(SCP Essence Ore – Spawns like diamonds but abit more common)

S.H.A.G (Obtained from defeating Serpent’s Hand Boss)

All Spawn Eggs:





There are also custom structures that spawn naturally in your world! Remember to turn on experimental gameplay for this to work.

Here is a facility beside the new “Forgotten Lands” Biome:

All 3 facilities in the add-on.

Uppermost one partially by DyDyOOF, completed by me
Middle one by me with some help from others
Bottom one by MechaManiac


The facilities have quite good loot in them! All structures tell some kind of a story, one way or another.

You want to summon scarlet king? Search through all the facilities to find the Ritual Document, which will teach you how to summon the scarlet king. I ask you not to directly teach others, as it will ruin the fun of finding it yourself.

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Maybe this rather rare structure has something to do with it?

Chaos Base (by MechaManiac)
Guarded by the chaos insurgency members, this base has quite cool loot in it. But beware of what lurks in it’s dark corridors…

Chaos Base Ruins (by MechaManiac)
Some bases dont go as planned, and have been abandoned…
Search through the ruins and scavenge for any remaining loot

G.O.C Base (by MechaManiac)
This base is guarded by G.O.C Soldiers. Maybe they have some cool loot like maybe plasma pistols and quite abit of redstone and concrete.
Be careful not to touch their mech tho


G.O.C Base 2 (by Icabob)
This base is guarded by G.O.C Soldiers AND G.O.C Jets.
Hey look what’s that Mech in the middle of a boss roo-



3D Guns


Plasma Pistol, Plasma Cannon, Flamethrower, XM-25, AWM, P-90, Shotgun, RPG, AK-47, Negev, Mine Deployer

You can get the Plasma Pistol from G.O.C Bases or Soldiers, and the Plasma Cannon from defeating the G.O.C Boss.
The rest of the guns can be obtained by trading with scientists, or from SCP Facilities


3D Weapons


Crucible, Chaos Staff & Chaos Shield, MechaManiac & BFG9000
Other non-3D swords include Broom, Gate Guardian’s Sword, Ancient Sword and Dagger.

The Crucible is obtained from scarlet king chains from Stage 4. “Killing” the chains charges them, right click to get Crucible Ammo. It is a one-hit kill weapon, but has only 1 use per “ammo”

The Chaos Staff & Chaos Shield are obtained from defeating the Chaos Leader. Sneak to use the shield, note that there are cooldowns for it.
Sneak and keep punching to shoot fireballs using the Chaos Staff.

The MechaManiac is obtained by defeating the Corrupted Broken God.
It is inspired by the DOOM Eternal chaingun. Sneak while shooting to shoot very fast. Note that there is an overheat cooldown

The BFG9000 is unobtainable in survival.
It is inspired by the DOOM Eternal BFG9000. It can hit multiple enemies with one shot, even if they arent directly hit by the projectile.
The BFG9000 does insane damage, but isn’t a one-hit weapon like the crucible

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Armour / Morphs

There is armour for all the MTF units in this add-on. The SNE one has no effects due to technical diffuclties. 
Here is an example, the Fire Eaters armour

There are SCP Morphs. The ones in the addon are SCP-096-JS, SCP-049-JS, SCP-173-JS, SCP-106 & SCP-939. They all work like how they should.
Here is an example, SCP-096-JS Morph





There are quite a few “machines” in this add-on. Use destroyer tool to destroy them. Some require sneaking while interacting to work.
Use rotator tool to rotate. Use builder tool to cycle between keycard door levels.

The machines are:
Tesla Gate, Gate A/B Sign, SCP-173-JS/SCP-106 Cage, Heavy/Light Containment Doors, Heavy/Light Containment Keycard Doors, Blast Door, HID Turret (from Bendy), Missile Launcher, Camera, Facility Lockdown Terminal, Computer, Chair



Fight them yourself to find out how hard they are 😀

There are the following bosses: (not all shown in picture)
SCP-4335, G.O.C, Chaos Leader, Corrupted Broken God, Serpent’s Hand Boss, Scarlet King + 5 Sons (mini bosses)




You can get Corrupted Broken God spawn egg from Serpent’s Hand Boss after defeating him

Some Teasers of Scarlet King Boss Battle


You can also watch me fight it here. (There have been a few tweaks since)

Getting Items & Blocks / Summoning Facilities:


You can do the following functions to get stuff: (use /function, then)
– allarmour
– allblocks
– allblocks2
– allblocks3
– allbuild
– alldocument
– allguns
– allkeycard
– allmorphs
– allscpitems
– allswords

To spawn facilities/structures, use a structure block and switch to “Load” mode. Enter one of the following:
– facility_1_1
– facility_2_1
– facility_3_1
– chaos_base
– chaos_base_2 (Ruin)
– goc_base
– goc_base_2
– chaos_camp_1_1

This add-on will not receive any more updates. Perhaps if there are major bugs there will be, but i want to move on to bigger, better projects. Hope you enjoy 😀

Watch the trailer


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