SIEGED! Round 2
MBLH Studios presents: SIEGED!
FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN WAY TOO HAPPY RECENTLY. This addon adds literal torture to your Minecraft experience! This addon is small in size but has a HUGE impact on the gameplay! Welcome to Hell! ; )
Quote by FearMasterLH:

Some people suffered literal death while testing this addon!

This addon is best played on simulation distance of 4 to reduce lag!
Recommend playing in Hardcore mode for a real quick adrenaline boost! Your daily dose of FUN!!!
Thanks to FearMasterLH for the idea of making this addon! He always wanted to play something similar to Nightmare epic siege Java on Minecraft Bedrock! He made an Epic original Title, Trailer and Art! He’s also a great community manager! He helps me with stuff I don’t have time for! Being as busy as I am, lmao!
Thanks to DolphinMasterMB for making an actual Minecraft torture machine that might ruin many Minecraft lives! He died while testing this cursed masterpiece! Rest in peace…
Showcase Trailer SIEGED! Round 2 by DolphinMasterMB:
Trailer by FearMasterLH:
SIEGED! in brief:
This evil addon makes various vanilla Minecraft monsters super smart! Adding new advanced AI for many mobs: Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, Creeper, Husk, Drowned, Bogged, Stray, Enderman, Cave Spider, Zombie Pigman, Witch, Blaze, Piglin, Pillager, Wither Skeleton, Ghast, phantom and various new jockeys! They will always know where you are and make their way there hunting you to absolute death! They literally dig from the depths of Minecraft to the surface to ambush you! Hearing them actually dig is a traumatic experience for many who died playing this addon! You are never safe! Even in other dimensions! When you start thinking you are finally safe, you will eventually hear those terrible noises again! This addon is proven to be more intense and effective than most horror mods/addons already! You are warned! Good luck! We are not responsible for any problems this addon causes! ; )
Warning: Definitely don’t use this addon in any of your favorite worlds ever! The mobs literally Siege you! Not recommended for weak devices! We already had to take some action reducing possible lag! Simulation distance of 4 recommended!
Invitation by FearMasterLH:
Today I am introducing you all to SSP!
((Super Secret Plan)) for (SIEGED Speedrun Program))
This program is so anyone who speedruns any% on SIEGED and submits it as a YouTube video to the speedrun channel on our DC will get a massive shoutout from us in a video! People with the fastest time may even get a mod early if they donโt share it! Happy speedrunning!
On a minor note, you can also submit videos, such as surviving a night and we can still approve it for less if any of a reward but we still appreciate and will comment on any YouTube content we find on our add-ons! (:
Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any harm this addon causes! Good luck! You will need it!
Cheers! ; )
Updated on January 20
- Removed the zip file version, because it was outdated and it’s better to use an mcaddon or mcpack file in my opinion! Cheers! ; )