
The Knocker

Trailer by PlAyErEo3👆Imagine living in a cozy cabin deep in the forest. The night falls, and just as you settle in for some rest, there’s a knock at the window… then another at the door. Something is calling, but you don’t know what. When you step outside to investigate, a dark figure is watching you from behind a tree… The Knocker has arrived, and it won’t take its eyes off you.The Knocker is a sinister and cunning entity that lurks in your Minecraft world, always watching, always close, but never fully revealing its intentions. Are you ready for an experience that will send shivers down your spine?

Credits and Special Thanks:

Creating a terrifying experience like this is not the work of one person, and we must give thanks to those who made this eerie addon possible:
    • A huge thank you to M_Productions, the original creator of the Knocker mod on Java. You can explore his masterful creation here to experience the Knocker in its original form.
    • Big shoutout to {Snark}, Yael_27, Ramses, and MopeygaDino for making the Bedrock resources possible, allowing players on this platform to also experience the Knocker’s terror.
    • Thanks to PlAyErEo3 (FearMasterLH) for helping with testing, refining the AI, and contributing to the creation of the trailer and thumbnail banner.
    • A huge thanks to the community that joined the Aternos server playtest party to celebrate the addon’s development. Your support has been invaluable!
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Lastly, special thanks to DolphinMasterMB for coding and fine-tuning the AI for Bedrock, ensuring that the experience is as creepy and smooth as possible.

The Story of the Knocker

As night falls in your Minecraft world, a terrifying presence may be lurking. The Knocker, a dark and eerie entity, could appear when you least expect it.
    • It watches from the shadows, often observing you and your home from a distance.
    • It will frequently knock on your windows or door, persistently keeping you awake and on edge.
    • Most disturbingly, it might already be inside your house when you return, watching you from the dark.
    • Unpredictability is its greatest weapon. Its behavior is non-linear, which means it will do unexpected things, appearing in places you don’t want it to be, perhaps near you, perhaps right where you least expect it.
    • If it becomes too aggressive and you don’t enjoy its harassment, you can use the command /tag @a add peace to stop it from attacking, though it will still lurk in the shadows, always there, always watching.
But be warned… in the latest updates, the Knocker has developed a more murderous alter ego, bringing even more terrifying surprises and scares.
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How to Survive the Knocker: Tips and Warnings

For those brave enough to face this creepy creature, here are some tips:
    1. Don’t ignore it: The Knocker isn’t just another entity; it’s clever and could appear at any moment, watching your house, stalking you while you sleep, and if it gets the chance, it might enter!
    1. Be prepared for surprises: You can’t anticipate its movements. The Knocker’s AI is designed to surprise you. Sometimes it will be nearby, other times lurking in the distance. Make sure to stay on guard—you never know when it will knock again!
    1. Use commands wisely: If its persistence becomes too much, you can use the /tag @a add peace command to stop it from becoming violent. However, part of the fun is never knowing what the Knocker will do next.


The Knocker Addon: Screenshot 1
The Knocker Addon: Screenshot 2
The Knocker Addon: Screenshot 3

Installation Instructions:

For those who want to add the Knocker to their Bedrock world, follow these steps:
    1. Delete any previous versions of the addon to avoid conflicts and ensure a clean install.
    1. Download the latest version and reinstall the addon.
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    1. Make sure to remove any older versions from both your world resources and Minecraft’s storage cache.
    1. Toggle all experiments in your world settings to ensure the addon works properly.
Once you’ve done all this, you’re ready to face the horrors of the Knocker in your Minecraft world.

Recent Updates (September 20):

The latest update includes a visual fix, resolving a texture glitch on the banner that had previously shown an unsightly error. Additionally, there have been behind-the-scenes improvements to optimize the addon further.

Dare to Face the Knocker?

The Knocker isn’t just another Minecraft creature; it’s a unique horror experience that will keep you on edge and leave you constantly wondering when it will strike next.Be brave, and don’t let the knocks keep you up at night… or maybe, that’s exactly what it wants!

Development spoilers:


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