
The Tragedy of the Mobs

For Eons the 3 dimensions have been easily mastered by the player being a field of flowers for them to walk around

But one tragic night all this changed the wrath of years and years of humiliation and destruction that caused all this evil essence to fall on the hostile mobs, causing them to be nourished and strengthened, and now the hostile mobs abound in the Overworld, Nether and End searching for to the player to settle accounts, they are looking for you…

[Mod created by Dev Harena]

This mod modifies the hostile entities of the game by adding extra difficulty, giving the player a new challenge that will not be easy and will definitely make you suffer. From the darkest and most disturbing thoughts of developer Dev Harena we present “The Tragedy of the Mobs “which without a doubt if it doesn’t make you cry it will make you lose your sanity 

These changes to the entities are 

– Hostile mobs will have 44 extra hearts
– Guaranteed Stamina 1, Strength II and 50% chance of Stamina II
Probability of random effects:
Speed I – V
Resistance I – IV
Regeneration I-VII
Fire resistance
Jump impulse I – V
feather fall 

– All hostile Mosses except aquatic ones will remove the following blocks where they are: 

They will remove cobwebs

– They may have the chance of having equipment: 

[Armors]leather, gold, iron mesh and diamond

[Weapons]Swords: Wood, Stone, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Netherite [Thrust II on Swords, Edge I-V, Igneous Aspect I-II] 

Trident: [I-V Impalement, Conductivity] 

Bows: [Power I-V, Repulsion II, Flame I] 

Crossbow: [Quick Reload I-III] 

[Items]Immortality Totem 

– Additional features 

[General Special Mobs] 

There is a small chance that a random mob will appear with one of the following 3 abilities 

• Wither: Has aura of that effect at level I, soul particles 

• Poison: Has aura of that effect level III, particles note 

• Fire: He will put cobwebs on you and in a radius of 3 blocks above him he will put fire, blue flame particles 


[Specific Mob Skills] 

Chance 35% – Drowned Overcharged – They have a lightning aura and charge every few seconds a lightning bolt, sculk soul particles, trident with conductivity 

75%-charged creeper – soul particles
85%-invisible creeper 

70% – corrosive enderman – have aura of slowness III, mining fatigue III, blindness, and will deal 1 void damage, campfire particles 

Cave spiders – they will have a 20% chance of being fire spiders – they will put webs on your feet, blue fire particles 

70% – Evokers, will have poison aura 

20% – Magmacube, lava damage aura, removes 3 hearts 

25% – Wither skeleton, will have a wither aura 

25% – Zombies – Zombie riding another zombi

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